Camp Cloe Enrichment Resort and Training
Camp CloeEnrichment Resort and Training

Puppy (Beginners) Classes

This Level 1, half-hour zoom session is $40. We go over 10 cues in 8 weeks.  We also go over normal puppy behavior (biting, barking, jumping, etc.) and how to react to it. I use positive reinforcement (treats).  We can start training as early as 6 weeks old! By using Zoom in-home technology, there are fewer distractions in training and they are safer because of limited exposure to diseases from other pups. This method trains the best!!



Basic Manners Training

This Level 2 class, with the pre-requisite of the Level 1 session, goes further in depth with manners after the basic training. Your pet knows the cues but now we put them into use. Or better yet we make patterns to be put in place so they do it without you having to ask them! Isn't that wonderful!! We reinforce politeness at the door and when new people come over. Switch over to a loose leash walk by adding patterns. There is a ton of stuff we can do and cater to your individual dog's needs. The number of training sessions is determined by you and your dog while keeping up with these sessions helps to reinforce those positive behavior. 


$45 / 30 min session


Relaxation Therapy

We train your furry friend to relax and calm themselves down. Whether it is a young excited pup or an anxious old man, we will show you the tools you'll need to help them calm down in new or stressful situations. From TTouch therapy to musical therapy and desensitization techniques, we will help you learn the skills so you and your pet do not feel helpless.  This training is most effective over virtual sessions. This therapy works great with General Anxiety Disorder and sound sensitivities. 


$50 / 30 min session

Separation Anxiety Training

Does your furry companion show any signs of distress when you leave your home? 

  • Barking, whining, or howling
  • Inappropriate elimination in the home
  • Scratching, chewing, destruction of doors, baseboards, or windows
  • Drooling, pacing, or shaking
  • Self-mutilation
  • Trying to escape in any way

They may be suffering from Separation Anxiety.


I can help! There is a great success with training! 


The training is 4 days a week,  once a day training, and no more than 30 minutes each day. There is a reassessment once a week with me. For how long?  Only your pup can tell us that.  The training is all based on each individual dog's comfort level. It is more like months instead of weeks.



Book a consultation today to get started!

Intro to Enrichment Group Classes


Does your dog need to learn to overcome fears and build confidence?  This group class teaches you 4 types of enrichment activities. You and your dog will learn scent work, free work, movement puzzles, and busy boxes. This is a must for dogs that have anxiety. Classes are 1 hour long, and limit at 4 dogs per class. Please bring high-value treats, (boiled chicken or cold cuts) moderate-value treats, (Mozzarella string cheese or moist dog treats), and some of their regular dry dog food.  Please DON'T feed them dinner before they class.


Mondays starting June 3rd at 7:00 pm- $180. 

In Person Training

One on one in person training can be requested. My time is limited to availability. Cost starts at $180 an hour and depends on location. Email me if interested.

 How to Care for Pets with Anxiety!

For Pet Sitters or Parents that Want to Know More!

This virtual certification course is for pet sitters or anyone who wants to know more about pets with anxiety.  We go over anxiety behaviors, enrichment ideas, therapies that can help when in the act of a panic attack, and documentation. I will send resources and links after the class to have at hand. This certification will let clients know that you care about how every pet feels when they are in your care. It adds value to your business because you are not just a knowledgeable caretaker but also a teacher for your community and you can offer help for that pet.


This will be an hour-long class with questions afterward.    $80 per person.


Please email me and will set up a class.


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